Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Melancholy Mondays: Hyper Actively Get Out of Here

I was hyper this evening, knew it, enjoyed it but didn't like it, and have no idea why it happens. It's not with frequency that I get hyper, but when it happens it just doesn't feel right.

That's all. I think I have underlying issues with control, and not liking that uncontrollable hyperness bugs me a lot. I usually end the period with a little self-hate. Tonight I haven't, so that's nice.


  1. i have always loved it when you are hyper. A little bit of hyper Chris is good for everyone's soul once in a while. =)

  2. I agree with Chels. Hyper Chris is super fun. That observation about control is interesting - I hadn't ever thought of it that way. Keep liking yourself, like the rest of us do. :)
