Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Intern Return

It's over.  What can I say?  It was some good times.  Now it's home for some recuperation and Mom-food and running on boring flat straight roads.

And also... it's the season of job-hunting.  I've been told to utilize my "network."  I don't really have much of a network.  This is discouraging?  I really don't know.  But I'm interested (I think) in editing or proofreading jobs, or writing jobs, or photography jobs?, or some kind of international job whatever-that-means, or some kind of other interesting job whatever-that-means-for-me.  If you hear of one, holler.*

*Either a job or a nice used road bike.

UPDATE:  ...or English-teaching jobs, or anything-that-pays-the-bills jobs, or [maybe especially] anything-where-someone-considers-me-especially-needed-or-wanted-for-a-particular-position-slash-to-fill-a-particular-need-that-somehow-I-seem-to-fit, or another paid internship, or a sponsored triathlete or cyclist job, or a typist job, or a movie-reviewer job, or a stay-at-home child job (paid, of course), or a doctor-no-trainingorexperience-necessary-job, or maybe something else cool.  It just depends, really.  I want either to feel very rich without actually having any money or have tons of money without feeling rich.  I think either way would work for me.