Sunday, April 29, 2012

More Running

Another running update... how exciting. I ran a 5k last week that the Pioneer Memorial Church helped with. It was on Andrews' campus, so it was a couple relatively flat loops. My time was 19:50, so I definitely missed my very-optimistic goal of sub-19 by a chunk. But when I mapped it out later it came to 3.28, so if that's more accurate then I probably did run a sub-19. Anyway, it was fun to try and run fast again. The guy who won it was wearing Vibram FiveFingers, and so was the guy who came in right behind me. That's neat. (In case you read this, Al, I was wearing those old Adidas. They're troopers.)

And next week I'm running a half marathon in Kalamazoo with Scott Young. For the record, I'm hoping to beat my last half marathon time of 1:35:22, and secretly (i.e., very-optimistically) hoping to get a 1:30. We'll see. That would be pushing it for me. I'm looking forward to it, though. Too bad I'm missing everyone's graduations.

I turned on my Runmeter app today with half of the lawn left to mow and this was the result. I thought it was kind of funny. Apparently I mowed our roof and our neighbor's a bit, too. That's my bad.


  1. Haha. Dang, some ambitious mowing.

  2. you're funny. so sorry i was a lame friend this weekend and ignored you. let's remedy that soon!

  3. Your mowing patterns don't seem particularly efficient. :)
