Graduation was two days ago and I'm still here. Which means I made it through the whole year without packing up some night after the closing shift, stuffing my car, and disappearing into the hills. Laugh if you must, but it could happen someday.
I gave two kids my Instagram account and that might end up being my only legacy. But I'd like to think there's a little more of me left here than that. Jesus, the Spanish kid not the carpenter, said he'd miss me, and I think he meant it as genuinely as he could. Mostly though, in my excitement- and exhaustion-induced hyperness at moments the past week or so, the boys said I was weird. That's okay. I was asking for it. It's probably a defense mechanism of mine.
At the last little worship I gave a few days before graduation, I told them it was fun knowing them and I'd never see them again. Haha. But seriously. I then shared the verse in I Thessalonians about Jesus (the carpenter) coming and yelling and lifting people up and taking them home and then all of us being with the Lord forever. So maybe I won't never see them again, but maybe.
I'd say it's been a good year overall. I'm happy to be here even now. The graph of the year is one of those rising graphs of improvement, not a spiraling downward graph. That's a first in many years. There are still those little slumps downward on the line graph, but they're not as strong as they once were.
Now for a plan to get rich. I want to make a living now that I'm alive.